May 2024

May 2024

May 2024 MAY DAY How is it already the last month of preschool? May Day came and the kids planted pansy flowers to deliver to our neighbors around the preschool. We spent our time enjoying the beautiful spring weather and each other’s company! TRANSPORTATION Planes, trains, automobiles, and more! We discussed some of the many ways that people and things go from one place to another and how we explore the world around us. We also set up an airplane in which the preschoolers took turns being pilots, passengers, and flight attendants.  BOUNCY OBSTACLE COURSE What a way to end the year! All were invited to come and take some turns on this GIGANTIC inflatable bouncy obstacle course. The kids has an absolute blast and couldn’t get enough.  END OF…
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April 2024

April 2024

April 2024 NATURE Spring is a such a wonderful time of year in Duluth. All of the snow has melted and we can feel the warm sun on our cheeks. We set up a 'campsite' so the kids could roast marshmallows and curl up in the tent. Magic Bob visited again with a magic show about recycling and caring for our Earth. Hopefully these lessons will foster a lifelong appreciation for the environment.There was also a total solar eclipse this year in the United States so the preschoolers did an experiment to better understand what that means.  DINOSAURS AND JUNGLE The kiddos enjoyed creating entire scenes with the dinosaurs and pretending to be paleontologists, digging for bones in sand. We also went on safari in the jungle and saw all…
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March 2024

March 2024

MARCH 2024 Creative Me We all know preschoolers love to play and use their imaginations! Through activities like painting, telling stories, and playing with instruments, they're learning to express themselves freely and think in new ways. The kids 'joined the band' and we all rocked out and practiced making beats. We also took a field trip to The Tweed Art Museum to see their exhibits and even practice some of our own art. Dr. Seuss Speaking of being creative, Dr. Seuss is a great example of someone who “thinks out of the box.” We learned about storytelling, poetry, and rhyming and local magician Magic Bob came and amazed us all with a hilarious Dr. Seuss themed magic show. St. Patrick's Day If you know CCP, you know St. Patrick's Day…
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February 2024

February 2024

February 2024 Outer Space To infinity...and beyond! Our focus in February was outer space and we had a BLAST! The kiddos loved dressing up like astronauts and aliens and learning about our solar system. We even took a field trip to the UMD Planetarium for a show. Valentine's Day We love Valentine's Day! The preschoolers shared treats, had fun with friends, and learned about love and friendship. It was a day filled with smiles, crafts, and sweet moments that we will cherish! Duluth Public Library The preschoolers took another field trip in February, this time to the Duluth Public Library! We flipped through picture books and learn about new characters and adventures. The kids shared lots of excitement and discovery as they explored the magical world of books and storytelling.
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May 2023 – Transportation

May 2023 – Transportation

May 2023 - Transportation and Graduation Planes, Trains and Automobiles We began our last month of the 2022/2023 school year learning all about transportation.  Lake Superior Zoo We continued our study of nature and transportation with another field trip - this time to the Lake Superior Zoo. We even got to take a yellow school bus to get there! The weather was gorgeous and we had fun exploring both inside and out. Soon the new red panda will be on exhibit. Spring Celebrations May 5th is a Japanese holiday called 'Children's Day' (こどもの日, Kodomo no hi) to celebrate the healthy growth and happiness of children. We celebrate that every day! Ms. Aya taught the preschoolers how to make Koinobori (鯉のぼり) which are fish-shaped streamers. They also made origami Kabuto (兜)…
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