1. Lunch –  ex. 1/2 sandwich, fruit, and veggie
  2. Water bottle – labeled with child’s name
  3. Outside gear – We spend a good amount of time outdoors so it is important to have the right gear as the seasons change.

Please label everything with your child’s name or initials.

Yes, each day we will have a morning and afternoon snack consisting of a fruit or vegetable and a whole grain. Families will be asked to donate supplies for snack one time during the preschool year. 

Children must be 3 years old and potty-trained by Sept. 1st.

Helpful Links

Parent Aware

Offering free tools and resources to help families find the quality child care and early education programs their children need to succeed in school and life. Financial aid and tax relief plans help families pay for this care.

Early Childhood Screening

Screening is a quick, no-cost check to identify possible health or developmental concerns in infants and young children who may need a health assessment, mental health assessment or educational evaluation. Screening may link families to free early learning opportunities and resources. It must be completed before entering Kindergarten and is recommended at age 3.

National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations

The Pyramid Model is a framework of evidence-based practices for promoting young children’s healthy social and emotional development. Based on over a decade of evaluation data, the Pyramid Model has been shown to be a sound framework for early care and education systems.

Help Me Grow

Help Me Grow Minnesota connects families to resources that help young children develop, learn and grow. Here you may also find a list of Developmental Milestones to look for as your child grows.

Food and Nutrition

These resources help families find healthy food.