Spring is a such a wonderful time of year in Duluth. All of the snow has melted and we can feel the warm sun on our cheeks. We set up a ‘campsite’ so the kids could roast marshmallows and curl up in the tent. Magic Bob visited again with a magic show about recycling and caring for our Earth. Hopefully these lessons will foster a lifelong appreciation for the environment.
There was also a total solar eclipse this year in the United States so the preschoolers did an experiment to better understand what that means.
The kiddos enjoyed creating entire scenes with the dinosaurs and pretending to be paleontologists, digging for bones in sand. We also went on safari in the jungle and saw all SORTS of wild animals!
April showers bring freshness to the air and tell us that Springtime is really here! The rain brings new new life and greenery after the cold winter months, but most importantly, it makes puddles to jump in!