January 2023 - Fairy Tales, Winter Wonderland, & Seasons

Fairy Tales

January we explored classic fairy tales and nursery rhymes. The preschoolerS enjoyed dressing up like queens, kings, princesses, princes, knights, jesters and dragons. We acted out classics like “The Three Little Pigs”, “Goldilocks”, and “The Billy Goats Gruff”

Winter Wonderland

It took until mid January for our winter wonderland to arrive. The preschoolers loved sledding and building with the snow. It has been a warm winter so we were excited to finally get some much needed snow. The big room turned into a “winter wonderland” as well with an indoor snowball fight kit and a skating rink for the preschoolers to play with.


We talked about the changing of the seasons: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall. We focused on our current season winter and compared it with fall which has passed. We talked about what we look forward to in the spring. The preschoolers enjoyed many different winter related crafts this month!